Reach in Faith
Jesus teaches us
for miracles and expect God
to make them happen.
TWO asks for you
to consider...
Please take some time to consider how you can be a part of what God is doing at Kern Church in this new season. Here are two things for you to consider in making a difference at Kern:
1. Will you support God’s miracles at Kern Church by making a one-time Reach in Faith gift, above your current generosity, to help Kern Church begin 2023 strong?
2.Will you make a commitment to faithfully support God’s ministry at Kern in 2023 through your giving?
Second Chronicles
tells a story of revival...
After years of transition and uncertainty, there was a great celebration. The celebration was due to the faithful work of the new king, Hezekiah. He helped the people get back to the work that they were called to do. In fact, the very first order of business is that he “reopened the doors of the Lord’s temple” (2 Chron. 29:3).
Then they started to plan to celebrate the Passover feast, but no one had been properly prepared to do it, so they delayed it a month. The celebration was too important to skip, but they also wanted to make sure they did it right. About the celebration, we read, “There was great joy in Jerusalem. Nothing like this had taken place in Jerusalem since the days of Israel’s King Solomon, David’s son" (2 Chron. 30:26).
Years and years and years had passed, and the people forgot what it was like to celebrate. But, here they are; the temple is open again, and everyone is ready to celebrate the goodness of God.
This, too, is the story of
Kern Church…
For five years Kern Church has been in the midst of pastoral transitions, faced difficult leadership issues, and experienced closures due to the pandemic. In many ways, it feels like the people described in 2nd Chronicles, who were so excited, but had to delay the celebration because they forgot how to prepare to properly celebrate. And then when they did celebrate, there was great joy because nothing like this had happened in a long time.
For the past few weeks, we have been praying for the “resurrection power of the Holy Spirit to bring miracles” into our midst. It has been such a blessing to pray with you and to hear how God is blessing you in the midst of these prayers. Hints of miracles are all around us.
When you look at the celebration that took place in 2nd Chronicles, it was a rebuilding effort. They had to delay and re-remember how to worship and celebrate. This is some of the work we are doing now, and in the midst of this God is blessing it.
Looking Forward…
This fall our financial team discovered difficult trends related to our expenses and income at Kern Church. Faced with this, we have responded in three ways. First, we dramatically cut expenses which, unfortunately, included personnel cuts. Second, we began celebrating God’s provision and planning for a sustainable budget in 2023. Third, and most importantly, we have been praying for God’s resurrection power to bring miracles of new hopes, dreams, and possibilities to Kern Church.
While there is still difficult work ahead, God is good, Kern Church is faithful, and our financial outlook to fund the ministry to which God is calling us is in better shape. This is where our one-time Reach in Faith gift comes into play. Our goal is to raise $40,000 - $60,000 extra dollars by the end of 2022 to help enable God’s ministry to Reach in Faith to 2023. Our Reach in Faith will allow God to really help us re-remember God’s goodness and start the 2023 ministry year in a hopeful way.
Then, your advanced commitment for giving in 2023 will help our lay and staff leadership effectively plan for sustainable ministry next year. By building a sustainable ministry plan, we will be better positioned to listen and watch for the miracles of God’s resurrection power that are coming our way.
Consider what happened in
Second Chronicles...
As you consider making a one-time Reach in Faith gift for 2022 and a commitment for 2023, take to heart the goodness of what came next in 2nd Chronicles.
Following the Passover celebration, people returned home, and they were asked to Reach in Faith and give generously to help the ministry of God resume through the temple in Jerusalem. As they received this invitation, we read that:
The Israelites generously gave the best of their grain, new wine, oil, honey, and all their crops—a tenth of everything, a huge amount. The people of Israel and Judah, living in the cities of Judah, also brought in a tenth of their herds and flocks and a tenth of the items dedicated to the Lord their God, stacking it up in piles.
Then the chief priest celebrated saying:
Ever since the people started bringing contributions to the Lord’s temple we’ve had enough to eat with plenty to spare. The Lord has definitely blessed his people! (2 Chronicles 31:10)
While Kern Church has experienced a difficult season, we serve a God of abundance. God will provide all that is necessary to do what God is asking Kern Church to do in this next season. Will you partner with God in this? Will you give a Reach in Faith gift this year? Will you make a commitment to be faithful in your generosity in 2023?
Through you, through the miracles of God, I stand with the chief priest and say, “The Lord has definitely blessed his people.” Thank you for your faithfulness.