I Doubt That Will Conner I Doubt That Will Conner

Leaving Church

Over half of teens and adults say they’ve experienced doubts about their religious beliefs at least sometime. And about half of all Christians say that they have gone through a prolonged period of doubt. 

Our message series, I Doubt That: A Syllabus for Dealing with Doubt, will help you consider your questions and doubts with openness and honestly. 

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I Doubt That Will Conner I Doubt That Will Conner

Dealing with Your Doubt

Over half of teens and adults say they’ve experienced doubts about their religious beliefs at least sometime. And about half of all Christians say that they have gone through a prolonged period of doubt. 

Our message series, I Doubt That: A Syllabus for Dealing with Doubt, will help you consider your questions and doubts with openness and honestly. 

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Family Feud Will Conner Family Feud Will Conner

Survey Says

Think your family has problems? In this message series you will uncover the secrets and the lessons you can learn of the most dysfunctional family in the Bible.

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Family Feud Will Conner Family Feud Will Conner

Sibling Rivalry

Think your family has problems? In this message series you will uncover the secrets and the lessons you can learn of the most dysfunctional family in the Bible.

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A Service of Prayer Will Conner A Service of Prayer Will Conner

A Service of Prayer, Healing, and Communion

Summer is busy. This is weekend is a holiday weekend. There are difficult things going on in your life and in our world. This is why Kern Church is pressing pause, this Sunday, and spending time to help you connect with God in prayer and receive healing in your life.

Jesus taught his followers to pray for miracles and expect God to make them happen, and this is the pattern we will follow during worship this week.

During our Service of Prayer, Healing, and Communion you will experience different kinds of prayers to help you connect with God and find moments of healing. You will have the chance to share in the healing power of communion and also, if you desire, receive an anointing with oil and prayer for healing.

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Unlocking the Power of Trust Will Conner Unlocking the Power of Trust Will Conner

Care More

Trust is the fuel for all life, says Henry Cloud. Even while trust is so important, we live in a world where the bonds of trust have broken all around us.

In this message series, Unlocking the Power of Trust, you will discover the power in God’s trust and the keys to cultivating trust in all of your relationships.

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Unlocking the Power of Trust Will Conner Unlocking the Power of Trust Will Conner

Believe the Best

Trust is the fuel for all life, says Henry Cloud. Even while trust is so important, we live in a world where the bonds of trust have broken all around us.

In this message series, Unlocking the Power of Trust, you will discover the power in God’s trust and the keys to cultivating trust in all of your relationships.

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Unlocking the Power of Trust Will Conner Unlocking the Power of Trust Will Conner

Talk to People

Trust is the fuel for all life, says Henry Cloud. Even while trust is so important, we live in a world where the bonds of trust have broken all around us.

In this message series, Unlocking the Power of Trust, you will discover the power in God’s trust and the keys to cultivating trust in all of your relationships.

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Closer and Closer Will Conner Closer and Closer Will Conner

What’s Your Story?

It’s Easter. And at Easter Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you believe, the resurrection means deeper relationships with God and one another. During this season of Easter you are invited to focus on ways to grow closer and closer to God and others as you hear the stories of people who were close to Jesus.

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Closer and Closer Will Conner Closer and Closer Will Conner

True Love, True Life

It’s Easter. And at Easter Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you believe, the resurrection means deeper relationships with God and one another. During this season of Easter you are invited to focus on ways to grow closer and closer to God and others as you hear the stories of people who were close to Jesus.

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Closer and Closer Will Conner Closer and Closer Will Conner

You Have A Purpose

It’s Easter. And at Easter Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you believe, the resurrection means deeper relationships with God and one another. During this season of Easter you are invited to focus on ways to grow closer and closer to God and others as you hear the stories of people who were close to Jesus.

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Closer and Closer Will Conner Closer and Closer Will Conner

How to Live a Full Life

It’s Easter. And at Easter Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you believe, the resurrection means deeper relationships with God and one another. During this season of Easter you are invited to focus on ways to grow closer and closer to God and others as you hear the stories of people who were close to Jesus.

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Closer and Closer Will Conner Closer and Closer Will Conner

On Down The Road They’ve Been Down

It’s Easter. And at Easter Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you believe, the resurrection means deeper relationships with God and one another. During this season of Easter you are invited to focus on ways to grow closer and closer to God and others as you hear the stories of people who were close to Jesus.

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Closer and Closer Will Conner Closer and Closer Will Conner

Just What You Need

It’s Easter. And at Easter Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you believe, the resurrection means deeper relationships with God and one another. During this season of Easter you are invited to focus on ways to grow closer and closer to God and others as you hear the stories of people who were close to Jesus.

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Closer and Closer Will Conner Closer and Closer Will Conner

Listen to Her Story

It’s Easter. And at Easter Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you believe, the resurrection means deeper relationships with God and one another. During this season of Easter you are invited to focus on ways to grow closer and closer to God and others as you hear the stories of people who were close to Jesus.

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Will Conner Will Conner

Easter Sunrise Worship

The first Easter began in the very early morning. This year Kern Church began celebrating Easter at Sunrise at Melton Lake Park.

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